
Dr. Salek Muhammad Seraj
Designation: Professor
Degree: B.Sc.Engg.(Civil), BUET; M.Sc.Engg., BUET; Ph.D., University of London, UK (Structural Engineering); DIC Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK
E-mail: smseraj@bangla.net
Field of Interest: * Behaviour of structural concrete * Repair and strengthening of concrete structures * Response of structures to seismic ground motions *Seismic design and upgrade of buildings *Analysis and design of steel transmission and GSM towers *Bridge design; Brick/block masonry *Structural Testing (destructive and non-destructive; model and full-scale) *Structural mechanics; Numerical techniques *Hazard resistant house building technology (also manages www.HazardResistantHousing.com)
Publications: [1] Ansary, M. A., Noor, M. A., and Seraj, S. M. (2000)
"Response Spectra Based on Simulated Earthquakes : Its Application and Assessment", Journal of Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, V. CE28, No. 1, pp. 1-20.

[2] Seraj, S. M., Roy, U. K. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1999)
"Semielliptical-Shaped Sewer Linings Under Installation Conditions," Journal of Computers & Structures, V. 72, No. 6, pp. 713-734.

[3] Seraj, S. M., Roy, U. K. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1999)
"Structural Design of Closely Packed Horseshoe-Shaped Sewer Linings During Installation," Journal of Thin-Walled Structures, V. 33, No. 1, pp. 19-48.

[4] Pavlovic, M. N., Arnaout, S. and Seraj, S. M. (1999)
"Some Aspects of Composite Circular Sewer Linings Under Installation Conditions," Journal of Engineering Structures, V. 21, No. 1, pp. 5-15.

[5] Ahmed, I., Rahman, M. H., Seraj, S. M. and Hoque, A. M. (1998)
"Performance of a Plain Concrete Runway Pavement", Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, V. 12, No. 3, pp. 145-157.

[6] Seraj, S. M., Roy, U. K. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1997)
"Structural Behaviour of Closely Packed Inverted Egg-Shaped Sewer Linings During Installation and Under Various Restraint Conditions," Journal of Thin-Walled Structures, V. 28, No. 2, pp. 89-115.

[7] Noor, M. A., Ansary, M. A. and Seraj, S. M. (1997)
"Critical Evaluation and Comparison of Different Seismic Code Provisions", Journal of Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, V. CE25, No. 1, pp. 1-20.

[8] Noor, M. A. and Seraj, S. M. (1996)
"Comparison of Two- and Three-Dimensional Analysis of Tall Buildings", Journal of Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, V. CE24, No. 2, pp. 197-212.

[9] Seraj, S. M., Kotsovos, M. D. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1995)
"Application of the Compressive-Force Path Concept in the Design of Reinforced Concrete Indeterminate Structures: A Pilot Study," Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics , V. 3, No. 5, pp. 475-495.

[10] Seraj, S. M., Kotsovos, M. D. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1995)
"Behaviour of High-Strength Mix Reinforced Concrete Beams," Journal of Archives of Civil Engineering, Proc. Polish Academy of Sciences, V. 41, No. 1, pp. 31-67.

[11] Seraj, S. M., Kotsovos, M. D. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1993)
"Experimental Study of the Compressive-Force Path Concept in Prestressed Concrete Beams," Journal of Engineering Structures, V. 15, No. 6, pp. 439-451.

[12] Seraj, S. M., Kotsovos, M. D. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1993)
"Compressive-Force Path and Behaviour of Prestressed Concrete Beams," Journal of Materials and Structures, RILEM, V. 26, No. 156, pp. 74-89.

[13] Seraj, S. M., Kotsovos, M. D. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1992)
"Nonlinear Finite-Element Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Members," Journal of Structures & Buildings, Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers, V. 94, No. 4, pp. 403-418.

[14] Seraj, S. M., Kotsovos, M. D. and Pavlovic, M. N. (1992)
"Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Modelling of Normal- and High-Strength Reinforced Concrete Members, with Special Reference to T-Beams," Journal of Computers and Structures, V. 44, No. 4, pp. 699-716.

[15] Seraj, S. M. and Habib, A. (1988)
"Analytical Study on Minimization of Edge Beam in Long Cylindrical Shells," Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, V. 16, No. 4, pp. 29-33.

[16] Seraj, T. M. and Seraj, S. M. (1983)
"Transportation Management for Metropolitan Dhaka - Engineering and Planning Perspective," Bangladesh Administrative Staff College Journal, Dhaka, V. 4, No. 1, pp. 65-71.

[17] Seraj, S. M. (1982)
"Dhaka Shahare Sharak Durghatana : Kichu Purakaushal Chinta (Road Accidents in Dhaka City : A Few Civil Engineering Thoughts - in Bengali)," Bangla Academy Science Magazine, V. 9, No. 1, pp. 79-96.

[18] Seraj, S. M. (1981)
"Road Accidents in Dhaka City : Deficiency in Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning," BUET Technical Journal 80-81, Dhaka, pp. 11-24.

II. Proceedings

[19] Amanat, K. M., Hodgson, R. L. P. and Seraj, S. M. (2001)
"Experimental Investigation of the Wind Resistance Characteristics of Different Types of Rural Houses of Bangladesh", Proceedings of the First International Conference and Annual Paper Meet on Civil Engineering, held at Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) Chittagong Centre, Bangladesh, 2-3 November, edited by Seraj, Ali and Ahmed, Published by IEB, pp. 192-202.

[20] Habib, N and Seraj, S. M. (2001)
"Modeling of Flat Plate Structures Under Lateral Loads", Proceedings of the First International Conference and Annual Paper Meet on Civil Engineering, held at Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) Chittagong Centre, Bangladesh, 2-3 November, edited by Seraj, Ali and Ahmed, Published by IEB, pp. 292-299.

[21] Islam, M. A. and Seraj, S. M. (2001)
"Design of Flat Plate Structures Under Lateral Load", Proceedings of the First International Conference and Annual Paper Meet on Civil Engineering, held at Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) Chittagong Centre, Bangladesh, 2-3 November, edited by Seraj, Ali and Ahmed, Published by IEB, pp. 319-327.

[22] Roy, U.K., Ansary, M. A., Seraj, S. M. and Hodgson, R. L. P. (2000)
"An Experimental Study Towards Development of Wind Resistant Rural Homes in Bangladesh", In System Operational Effectiveness, Proceedings of the 10th International MIRCE Symposium held at the MIRCE Akademy for System Operational Success in Woodbury, Exeter, UK, 5-7 December 2000, edited by Knezevic and Nicholas, pp. 172-190.

[23] Rasul, I., Ahmed, K. I. and Seraj, S. M. (2000)
"Bamboo Cultivation and Rural Housing in Bangladesh", In Village Infrastructure to Cope with the Environment, Proceedings of the Third Housing and Hazards International Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 24-26 November 2000 and in Exeter, UK, 4-5 December 2000, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Ahmed, pp. 129-133.

[24] Roy, U.K., Hodgson, R. L. P. and Seraj, S. M. (2000)
"Experimental Study on the Wind-Effects on Bangladeshi Rural Hut", In Village Infrastructure to Cope with the Environment, Proceedings of the Third Housing and Hazards International Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 24-26 November 2000 and in Exeter, UK, 4-5 December 2000, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Ahmed, pp. 165-174.

[25] Roy, U.K., Seraj, S. M. and Hodgson, R. L. P. (2000)
"Pressure Distribution Characteristics on a Typical Bangladeshi Rural Home", In Village Infrastructure to Cope with the Environment, Proceedings of the Third Housing and Hazards International Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 24-26 November 2000 and in Exeter, UK, 4-5 December 2000, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Ahmed, pp. 175-182.

[26] Ansary, M. A., Roy, U.K., Hodgson, R. L. P. and Seraj, S. M. (2000)
"A Wind Tunnel Study on the External Pressure Distribution on a Typical Bangladeshi Rural Home", In Village Infrastructure to Cope with the Environment, Proceedings of the Third Housing and Hazards International Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 24-26 November 2000 and in Exeter, UK, 4-5 December 2000, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Ahmed, pp. 183-194.

[27] Ansary, M. A., Seraj, S. M. and Roy, U.K. (2000)
"Modelling of a Bangladeshi Rural Hut for Wind-Tunnel Test", In Affordable Village Building Technologies, Proceedings of the Second Housing and Hazards International Seminar held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6-8 February 1999, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Choudhury, pp. 21-28.

[28] Roy, U. K., Seraj, S. M., Roy, P. S. and Alam, M. S. (2000)
"Some Aspects Towards Development of Hazard-Resistant Rural Homes in Bangladesh", In Affordable Village Building Technologies, Proceedings of the Second Housing and Hazards International Seminar held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6-8 February 1999, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Choudhury, pp. 29-40.

[29] Al-Hussaini, T. M., Seraj, S. M., Islam, M. K., Safiullah, A. M. M. and Choudhury, J. R. (2000)
"A Methodology for Selection of Post-Disaster Shelter", In Affordable Village Building Technologies, Proceedings of the Second Housing and Hazards International Seminar held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6-8 February 1999, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Choudhury, pp. 61-78.

[30] Noor, M. A. and Ansary, M. A. and Seraj, S. M. (1999)
"Response Spectra From Real Earthquakes and its Application," in Mutual Understanding and Development for the 21st Century, Proceedings of EASEC-7, the Seventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, August 27-29, 1999, Kochi, Japan (edited by H. Okamura and H. Shima, Kochi University of Technology, 1999), Vol. 1, pp. 722-727.

[31] Siddiquee, M. S. A., Seraj, S. M. and Sinha, A. N. (1999)
"An Experimental Study of Buried PVC Pipes," Proceedings of the Eleventh Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, August 16-20, 1999, Seoul, Korea (edited by S. W. Hong, et al., Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1999), Vol. 1, pp. 321-324.

[32] Seraj, S. M. and Sultana, S. (1999)
"Potential of Indigenously Produced Rice Husk Ash in Concrete," in Infrastructure Regeneration and Rehabilitation - Improving the Quality of Life through Better Construction : A Vision for the Next Millennium, Proceedings of International Conference held at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 28 June - 2 July 1999, (edited by R. Narayan Swamy, Sheffiled Academic Press), pp. 275-286.

[33] Seraj, S. M., Noor, M. A. and Ansary, M. A. (1998)
"Application and Assessment of a Proposed Response Spectra," Proceedings of ICTACEM98, the International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology, 1-5 December 1998, Kharagpur, India.

[34] Ansary, M. A., Noor, M. A. and Seraj, S. M. (1998)
"Stochastic Approach in the Development of Response Spectra Based on Simulated Earthquakes," Proceedings of ICTACEM98, the International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology, 1-5 December 1998, Kharagpur, India.

[35] Seraj, S. M. (1998)
"The Need for Better Homes and BUET's Research Programme", Proceedings of The Second Housing & Hazards UK Seminar on Communicating Technologies:More Than Just Talking, November 16, 1998, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, pp. 4-5.

[36] Seraj, S. M. and Ahmad, S. (1997)
"Collapse of an Under-Construction Textile Factory Building," in Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting held in Singapore, 27-28 November 1997, (edited by K. C. G. Ong, J. M. Lau and P. Paramasivam, Singapore Concrete Institute, Singapore, 1997), pp. 9-16.

[37] Seraj, S. M., Hoque, A. M., Ahmed, I., Rahman, M. H. and Ahmad, S. (1997)
"Repair and Structural Strengthening of Rigid Pavement of Zia International Airport," in Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting held in Singapore, 27-28 November 1997, (edited by K. C. G. Ong, J. M. Lau and P. Paramasivam, Singapore Concrete Institute, Singapore, 1997), pp. 53-60.

[38] Seraj, S. M. and Kabir, A. (1997)
"Repair Strategies For A 10-Storied Office Building," in Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting held in Singapore, 27-28 November 1997, (edited by K. C. G. Ong, J. M. Lau and P. Paramasivam, Singapore Concrete Institute, Singapore, 1997), pp. 61-68.

[39] Siddiquee, M. S. A., Seraj, S. M. and Bari, M. S., (1997)
"Parameter Identification for Realistic Pile-Soil Interaction Analysis," in Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Proceedings of IACMAG'97, the Ninth International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, November 2-7, 1997, Wuhan, China (edited by Jian-Xin Yuan, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1997), Vol. 3, pp. 2077-2082.

[40] Seraj, S. M. and Roy, U. K. (1997)
"Role of Temporary Restraints During Installation of Sewer Linings," in Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Proceedings of IACMAG'97, the Ninth International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, November 2-7, 1997, Wuhan, China (edited by Jian-Xin Yuan, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1997), Vol. 2, pp. 1353-1358.

[41] Seraj, S. M. and Hossain, T. R. (1997)
"Performance of ACI Approximate Flexible Method in the Design of Mat Foundation," in Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Proceedings of IACMAG'97, the Ninth International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, November 2-7, 1997, Wuhan, China (edited by Jian-Xin Yuan, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1997), Vol. 3, pp. 1973-1978.

[42] Seraj, S. M., Siddiquee, M. S. A. and Bari, M. S., (1997)
"Development of a Realistic Pile-Soil Interaction System," in Deep Foundations, Excavations, Ground Improvements & Tunnelling, Proceedings of the 30th Year Anniversary Symposium of the South East Asian Geotechnical Society, AIT, Thailand, 3-7 November, 1997, pp. (3)29 - (3)47

[43] Seraj, S. M. and Ahmed, B. (1997)
"Interaction of Retaining Walls with Soil," in Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, Proceedings of IS-NAGOYA'97, the International Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, October 4-7, 1997, Nagoya, Japan, (edited by A. Asaoka, T. Adachi and F. Oka, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1997), pp. 683-688.

[44] Seraj, S. M. and Mostafa, M. G. (1997)
"Punching Behaviour of Footings on Sand," in Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, Proceedings of IS-NAGOYA'97, the International Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, October 4-7, 1997, Nagoya, Japan, (edited by A. Asaoka, T. Adachi and F. Oka, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1997), pp. 775-780.

[45] Seraj, S. M., Siddiquee, M. S. A. and Bari, M. S. (1997)
"Load-Displacement Relationship of Square Footings on Dhaka Soil" in Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, Proceedings of IS-NAGOYA'97, the International Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, October 4-7, 1997, Nagoya, Japan, (edited by A. Asaoka, T. Adachi and F. Oka, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1997), pp. 299-304.

[46] Seraj, S. M. and Badruzzaman, A. B. M. (1997)
"Potential Hazards and Vulnerability in Urban Development of Dhaka City, Bangladesh," in Engineering Geology and the Environment, Proceedings of ENGEOL'97, the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, June 23-27, 1997, Athens, Greece, (edited by P. G. Marinos, G. C. Koukis, G. C. Tsiambaos and G. C. Stournaras, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1997), pp. 1487-1492.

[47] Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Seraj, S. M. and Husain, K. Z.(1997)
"Short- and Long-Term Impacts of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge on Wildlife, Bangladesh," in Engineering Geology and the Environment, Proceedings of ENGEOL'97, the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, June 23-27, 1997, Athens, Greece, (edited by P. G. Marinos, G. C. Koukis, G. C. Tsiambaos and G. C. Stournaras, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1997), pp. 2595-2600.

[48] Badruzzaman, A. B. M. and Seraj, S. M. (1997)
"Environmental Impacts of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge During its Construction, Bangladesh," in Engineering Geology and the Environment, Proceedings of ENGEOL'97, the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, June 23-27, 1997, Athens, Greece, (edited by P. G. Marinos, G. C. Koukis, G. C. Tsiambaos and G. C. Stournaras, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1997), pp. 2589-2594.

[49] Seraj, S. M. (1997)
"Possible Role of Internal Supports in Continuous beams," in Current Trends in Concrete Engineering and Technology, Proceedings of CONCET'97, the Fifth International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-7 May 1997, (edited by H. B. Mahmud, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1997), pp. 227-238.

[50] Seraj, S. M. and Alam, A. K. M. J. (1997)
"Effect of Edge Restraint on Punching Behaviour of Slabs," in Current Trends in Concrete Engineering and Technology, Proceedings of CONCET'97, the Fifth International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-7 May 1997, (edited by H. B. Mahmud, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1997), pp. 281-290.

[51] Seraj, S. M. (1997)
"Towards a Rational Design of Deep Beams," in Current Trends in Concrete Engineering and Technology, Proceedings of CONCET'97, the Fifth International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-7 May 1997, (edited by H. B. Mahmud, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1997), pp. 201-208.

[52] Safiullah, A. M. M., Ali, A. A. and Seraj, S. M. (1997)
"Engineering Profession in Bangladesh in the 21st Century ," Proceedings of CONEP '97, the International Conference on Engineering Profession in the 21st Century, Dhaka, IEB, 5-7 November, 1997, p. 13-17.

[53] Seraj, S. M. and Roy, U. K. (1996)
"Allowable Grouting Pressure During Installation of Non-Circular Sewer Linings," in Grouting and Deep Mixing, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ground Improvement Geosystems held in Tokyo, Japan, 14-17 May 1996, (edited by R. Yonekura, M. Terashi and M. Shibazaki, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1996), pp. 209-214.

[54] Seraj, S. M. and Seraj, T. M. (1995)
"Problems and Prospects of Tall Buildings in Developing Countries," in Habitat and the High-Rise: Tradition and Innovation, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of the Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat held in Amsterdam, May 14-19, 1995, (edited by Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA, 1995), pp.165-178.

[55] Seraj, S. M. (1995)
"Constant Parameter Three Dimensional Finite Element Model for Structural Concrete," in Habitat and the High-Rise: Tradition and Innovation, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of the Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat held in Amsterdam, 14-19 May, 1995, (edited by Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA, 1995), pp.1359-1386.

[56] Seraj, S. M. and Hossain, T. R. (1994)
"Analysis Techniques of Mat Foundation : A Comparative study," in Pre-failure Deformation of Geomaterials, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pre-Failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials held in Sapporo, Japan, 12-14 September 1994, (edited by S. Shibuya, T. Mitachi and S. Miura, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1994), pp. 641-646.

[57] Seraj, S. M. (1994)
"Disaster Management in Metropolitan Dhaka," in Disaster Management in Metropolitan Areas for the 21st Century, Proceedings of the IDNDR Aichi/Nagoya International Conference held in Nagoya, Japan, 1-4 November 1993, (edited by I. Tsukagoshi, J. Kojima, C. Park, L. Tsuji, E. Ohsumi, C. Nakai and T. Ito, UNCRD Proceedings Series No. 1, United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan, March 1994), pp. 547-554.

[58] Morton, J., Kotsovos, M. D., Pavlovic, M. N. and Seraj, S. M. (1993)
"The Effect of the Number of Mortar Joints on the Strength of Masonry walls: An Analytical Investigation," in Developments in Structural Engineering Computing, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Civil & Structural Engineering Computing held in Edinburgh, 17-19 August 1993, (edited by B. H. V. Topping, 6 vols. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 1993), Vol. D, pp. 391-396.

[59] Seraj, S. M. (1993)
"Compressive-Force Path Concept in Unifying the Design of Structural Concrete," in Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting, Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting held in Singapore, 14-15 July 1993, (edited by M. A. Mansur, K. H. Tan and P. Paramasivam, Singapore Concrete Institute, Singapore, 1993), pp. 65-72.

[60] Seraj, S. M. (1993)
"Application of the Compressive-Force Path Concept in the Limit State Design of Footings and Retaining Structures." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Limit State Design in Geotechnical Engineering held in Copenhagen, 26-28 May, 1993, (edited by Danish Geotechnical Society (Dansk Geoteknisk Forening - dgf), 3 vols., Denmark, May 1993), Bulletin 10, Vol. 2, pp. 469-478.

[61] Morton, J., Kotsovos, M. D., Pavlovic, M. N. and Seraj, S. M. (1991)
"An Initial Investigation of the Shape Factor Platen Effects when Testing Masonry Units to Determine the Material Compressive Strength," Proceedings of the Ninth International Brick/Block Masonry Conference held in Berlin, 13-16 October 1991, (edited by DGfM, 3 vols., Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Mauerwerksbau, Bonn, Germany, 1991), Vol. 1, pp. 653-661.

[62] Seraj, S. and Rahman, A. (1987)
"Soil-Structure Interaction in Buried Rigid Culverts," Proceedings of the International Conference on Soil-Structure Interactions held in Paris, 5-7 May 1987, (edited by Ecole Nationale Des Ponts et Chaussesses (ENPC), ENPC Press, Paris, France, 1987), pp.453-460.

III. Books

[63] Seraj, S. M., Ahmed, K. I. and Hodgson, R. L. P. (forthcoming, 2003)
"Building Safer Houses in Rural Bangladesh" Published jointly by BUET and University of Exeter.
[ISBN 0-9535078-4-X]

[64] Ali, M. A., Seraj, S. M. and Ahmad, S., (2002)
"Engineering Concerns of Flood" Published by BUET, p. 380.
[ISBN 984-823-002-5]

[65] Seraj, S. M., Ali, M. A. and Ahmed, B., (Editors), (2001)
Proceedings of the First International Conference and Annual Paper Meet on Civil Engineering, held at Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) Chittagong Centre, Bangladesh, 2-3 November, edited by Seraj, Ali and Ahmed, Published by IEB, p. 416.
[ISBN 984-31-1527-9]

[66] Seraj, S. M., Hodgson, R. L. P. and Ahmed, K. I., (Editors), (2000)
"Village Infrastructure to Cope with the Environment", Proceedings of the Third Housing and Hazards International Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 24-26 November 2000 and in Exeter, UK, 4-5 December 2000, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Ahmed, Published jointly by BUET and University of Exeter, p. 289.
[ISBN 0-9535078-3-1]

[67] Hodgson, R. L. P. and Seraj, S. M. (Editors), (2000)
"Communicating Housing Technologies in Low-Income Areas", Lecture Series on Building Safer Houses in Rural Bangladesh, Number 1, Published jointly by BUET and University of Exeter, p. 80.
[ISBN 0-9535078-2-3]

[68] Seraj, S. M., Hodgson, R. L. P. and Choudhury, J. R., (Editors), (2000)
"Affordable Village Building Technologies", Proceedings of the Second Housing and Hazards International Seminar held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6-8 February 1999, edited by Seraj, Hodgson and Choudhury, Published jointly by BUET and University of Exeter, p. 164.
[ISBN 0-9535078-1-5]

[69] Seraj, S. M. and Hodgson, R. L. P. (2000)
"Building for Safety", Leaflets for Building Hazard-Resistant Housing in Rural Bangladesh, No. 1-9.

[70] Hodgson, R. L. P., Seraj, S. M. and Choudhury, J. R., (Editors), (1999)
"Implementing Hazard Resistant Housing", Proceedings of the International Workshop to Explore Practical Solutions for Buildimg Safety, 3-5 December, 1996, Dhaka, Published jointly by BUET and University of Exeter, p. 101.
[ISBN 0-9535078-0-7]

[71] Safiullah, A. M. M., Seraj, S. M., Ali, M. A. and Ansary, M. A. (Editors), (1997)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Profession in the 21st Century, Dhaka, IEB, 5-7 November, 1997, p. 160.

[72] Choudhury, J. R., Safiullah, A. M. M., Seraj, S. M. and Imamuddin, A. H. (Editors), (1993)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Tall Buildings: Tall Buildings in Developing Countries, Dhaka, IEB/IAB/BIP, 16-17 June, 1993, p. 168.

[73] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (2001)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE29, No. 2, 2001)

[74] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (2001)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE29, No. 1, 2001)

[75] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (2000)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE28, No. 2, 2000)

[76] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (2000)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE28, No. 1, 2000)

[77] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (1999)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE27, No. 2, 1999)

[78] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (1999)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE27, No. 1, 1999)

[79] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (1998)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE26, No. 2, 1998)

[80] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (1998)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE26, No. 1, 1998)

[81] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (1997)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE25, No. 2, 1997)

[82] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (1997)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE25, No. 1, 1997)

[83] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (1996)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE24, No. 2, 1996)

[84] Seraj, S. M. (Editor), (1996)
Journal of Civil Engineering,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE24, No. 1, 1996)

[85] Seraj, S. M. (Editor),(1995)
Journal of the Civil Engineering Division,
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
(Vol. CE23, No. 1, 1995)

IV. Video Compact Disk

[86] Building for Safety Baul Song, Compact Disk, December 2000, Concept by S M Seraj & R L P Hodgson

V. Laboratory Manual

[87] Hossain, T., and Seraj, S. M.(1997)
"Laboratory Manual on CE 202 : Materials Sessional", Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka


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[94] Seraj, S. M., (1996)
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©Department of Civil Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology